Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lucy & Lacey

When I was young, I had a dachsund named Murphy. She was my best friend. I'll share her story another time. My point is, I had her for a long time and when she passed I cried for a week straight. I didn't think I could ever have another dog. What I've learned is that dogs are just so special and each one brings something so unique that you can and should have many throughout your life.

For those of you who read my blog, Tiffany's Epiphanies, you already know my girls Lucy and Lacey

Lucy is my Chessie on the left and Lacey is the cute yellow lab on the right.

These are our current family pets. Lucy is 4 years old and Lacey is a year and a half. Lucy was a terror as a puppy. Chessie's are much more stubborn than labs. They have the same sweet and loving demeanor of a retriever but they aren't quite as eager to please as a lab. Fortunately for me, I am more stubborn and have greater patience. She won a few rounds but in the end, I am the pack leader. As a puppy she chewed through our entire house. Baseboards, door jams, chairs, tables, and she destroyed my comfy and expensive couch. As soon as the puppy years were done, she was and still is a wonderful dog who is well behaved and quite the snuggler. About the only time there's no winning is when there is water involved. She loves to swim and if there is a body of water near; you're going to wait until she is done because you aren't getting her out any sooner. The nice thing is that once she is finished she comes right up and leans on me to let me know, "okay, we can go now".

Lacey is my little peanut. She got the nickname because she curls up when she sleeps and as a puppy looked just like a peanut. Now she is a really big peanut. Like any lab, she is fixated on any ball and aims for nothing more than to please you. She comes at a whistle, she knows the word no and minds it, and she loves to go wherever I go. She is my little travel partner. She went down to watch the last shuttle launch and was such an angel. She rides to Chik Fil A with me to get the family some shakes and she leaves them alone even though they are right there in tongue's reach. She is a bit sensitive. Where Lucy could care less, when Lacey gets into trouble she pouts. There is no raising your voice in my house because you don't want to hurt the puppy's feelings. If you don't feel like a 75 lb lap warmer and you ask her to get down, her feelings get hurt. She is just too sweet.

Both girls are extremely smart, just as you would expect of retrievers.
Chesapeake Bay Retrievers are the largest and most aggressive of the retriever family. They aren't agressive by any means but they look scary to intruders. What can easily be mistaken for a mean and vicious dog is actually a really big grin as she smiles at you and a bark saying, "hey, a person, what are you doing? Who are you? You don't belong here. If you aren't going to pet me then leave."
Chessie's are great family dogs. My Lucy even lived with Mugsy for a few years and that was her kitty but the key was having the cat in the house first as the Chessie's are very true to the natural order. They are big time swimmers so make sure you have a large yard for them to run in and a pool or a place nearby where they will be free to swim.
Labrador Retrievers are the smaller and least assertive of the retriever family. Unlike the Chessie, who you have to negotiate with, and the Golden (the middle of the famiily), the Lab wants nothing more than to please you. They live to make you happy and do what you ask of them. They are excellent sport dogs because of this. They learn very fast so they are easy to train as your best hunting, fishing, beaching, boating, hiking companion. They love to run and they can really get going so make sure you have a yard for them to run in. As puppies they are extremely hyper and exciteable but if you know what you're doing and you start early, they will learn quickly and save you from any real grief. Lacey barely chewed, she was housebroken so fast, and she isn't even 2 yet but minds just as well (sometimes better) than Lucy. I highly recommend retrievers as a family pet. Research each of the 3 breeds of retrievers; Chesapeake Bay, Golden, and Labrador because they are all very different. If you can't decide, there is also the Goldadoodle (Golden & Poodle) or the Goldador (Golden & Labrador).

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